
About the Shirley Historical Society

The Lucy Longley Memorial Building, home of the Historical Society Museum, is located four miles north of Route 2 and is open most Mondays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm and Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 10 AM – 1 PM, plus other times by appointment or by chance. Call us to confirm!
The Shirley Historical Society preserves books, photos, papers, stories and artifacts relating to the people, placed and history of Shirley, Massachusetts. The Society also works to educate the public regarding historic matters, and seeks to encourage preservation of historic sites within the town.
In order to meet these goals, the following activities are initiated. Displays are mounted in the exhibit room. Programs are held at the Museum. Local history lessons are taught at the town schools. Tours are led to points of interest. Historic essays are posted on facebook. Research questions are answered via phone calls, emails, and in person visits. NOTE: Many in-person events have been changed due to the pandemic. There is no admission charge to visit the Museum but there is a $10 charge for use of files.   

Shirley Historical Society Officers for 2022

President – Jackie Stanton
Vice-President – Marie Elwyn
Secretary – Ruth Rhonemus
Treasurer – Paul Przybyla
Board Members
Catherine LaHousse
Stephen Longley
Betsy Colburn Mirkovic
Barbara Yocum
Curator – Meredith Marcinkewicz
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