A planned gift is your legacy and way of extending your commitment past your lifetime to the Shirley Historical Society. You don’t need to be wealthy to plan a gift because every bit helps to ensure that the Shirley Historical Society can carry on its mission into the future.
There are several simple ways you can provide a lasting gift to the Shirley Historical Society. You can bequest through a will or name the Shirley Historical Society as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy or retirement plan:
Bequests through Wills
Name the Shirley Historical Society, Inc., in your will. It is one of the most popular and easiest ways to make a lasting contribution. Bequests may be in the form of a stated dollar amount, property, a percentage or the residuary of an estate.
Life Insurance
Name the Shirley Historical Society, Inc., as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy or donate a policy that you already own and name the Shirley Historical Society as the owner and beneficiary.
Retirement Plans
Name the Shirley Historical Society, Inc., as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement plan.
For more information about the Shirley Historical Society or to let us know that you have planned a gift, please send an e-mail to Barbara Yocum, the Planned Giving Coordinator, at, or call the Historical Society at 978-425-9328. Thank you very much for considering the Shirley Historical Society a planned-gift recipient.
Nothing in the foregoing is offered as legal advice or should be taken as such. If you wish to make a planned gift to the Shirley Historical Society, please first consult your attorney to evaluate your individual circumstances to develop the best plan for you.